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KCQ Naked News


Still Wanted: Naked man that stole flag pole.... 




The Holy water is not a bathtub...




There are better ways to get on a plane....




If your gonna put on a " internet show" don't do it in the library campus... 




Who knew it would take three guys to grapple one naked man?!?!?




Why not just stand outside and show off what your mama gave you?




Taking your clothes off will not make a car go faster...




Panda's belong in the zoo not the highway...




At all costs cover your ankles....




Maybe taking a shower during a funeral zoom call is not the best idea...




Robbing a bank is NOT how you become a comedian...




There are better ways to handle anger with coworkers...




If you go to a wedding and drinks are involved you might just get a free show!




If you go to work commando, someone might steal your pants... leaving you a subject of KCQ's Naked News!




It's always good to stop and make a sandwich when breaking into places.




Have you heard of the one about a horse that walks into a house with a man?




Lawn mowers are made for cutting grass not joy riding... 




Windows are for looking out to see the scenery not to give people a free show...




When parking your car its best to use the side of the road...




Why is it so hard to catch someone naked???




Tip of the day: When going through airport security having your clothes off does not make the process faster...




Watch out for the naked lady armed with a back scratcher! 





Is a potato peeler really the best weapon of choice?




Your not really supposed to walk in to peoples homes naked....




We will not DNA test your Undies to find you...




Please your teeth stay in your mouth....




Don't forget the snacks when you go to a Little League Baseball consession stand...




How not to play Ding Dong Ditch...




This might not be the best way to practice your jump shot...




When hidding from the cops is a chicken coop really your best option?





What not to do on a airplane before taking off...




What is one thing you can do in a shower but shouldnt do while driving???




Things to avoid even if your therapist suggests otherwise...



Grandma discovered an unwelcome intruder helping himself to a sandwich.








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